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Why become a surrogate mother?
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EFC pledge to our fertility patients
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Gestational Carrier Application Form
Basic Information
Date of Birth
How many children do you have?
Where do you live? (Only state and city)
Are you a US citizen?
What is your race?
Marital status?
What languages do you speak?
Do you have reliable transportation?
Do you have a valid driver license?
Do you have health insurance? Please name the carrier.
Education/Employment Information
What is the highest-level education you have completed?
Do you have plans on furthering your education?
Are you currently employed?
Who is your present employer?
Please describe your occupation/job title
Are you full time or part time?
Are they flexible with you taking time off for appointments?
Do you think if you can commit yourself to thesurrogacyprocess, given your current schedule and responsibilities?
Pregnancy Information
Delivery date
Babies delivered
Vaginal / C-Section
Own / Surrogacy
Have you ever had an abortion?
Have you ever experienced the following conditions? Please explain if any
Gestational Diabetes
Placenta Previa
Placenta Abruption
Post-partum depression
Pre-term labor
Short cervix
Are you currently breastfeeding?
Are you sexually active?
Are you using birth control?
Do you have regular monthly menstrual cycles?
What is the date of your last menstrual cycle?
When did you last see your Ob/Gyn?
What is the date of your last Pap Smear? What is the result?
Please list any reproductive illness you have ever experienced.
Do you want any additional children of your own? (if answer isyes, let them know that surrogacy could possibly affect theirfertility in the future)
Medical Information
Your Blood type?
What is your Rh factor?
Do you drink alcoholic beverages?
Do you or anyone in your household smoke?
Do you or anyone in your household use illicit drugs?
Have you had any form of Tobacco, Marijuana, or any form of illicit drugs within past 6 months?
Are you taking any medication?
Are you currently being treated for any medical conditions?
Please list any significant illness you have had.
Please list any hospitalization or operations you have had.
Have you ever taken medications for depression or anxiety?
Have you or any of your partners ever been hospitalized for psychiatric illness?
Have you been immunized for HepatitisB in the past?
Have you ever been diagnosed with the following diseases? Herpes; Gonorrhea; Chlamydia; Syphilis; HPV; Genital warts
Has your partner/spouse ever been diagnosed with herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HPV or genital warts?
Are you currently using any form on contraception? If so, what type and how long?
Family Support
Do you have a spouse or significant other?
Does your family support your decision to become a Gestational Carrier?
Who would help if you were ordered to be on bed rest for a period of time?
Do you anticipate any difficulties in becoming a surrogate?
Describe you current living conditions
Please list everyone living in your household including ages and relationship.
Do you have any pets at home?
Are you willing to work with intended parents who are hetero-sexual couples (male/female)
Are you willing to work with intended parents who are hetero-sexual individuals
Are you willing to work with intended parents who are same-sex couples (male/male or female/female)
Are you willing to work with intended parents who are same-sex individuals
Are you willing to carry twins?
Are you willing to carry triplets?
If you become pregnant with multiples, would you be okay with a reduction for one or any of the following reasons?
Only if your health was a concern
At the request of the lps, lf yes:From 2 to 1
At the request of the lps, lf yes:From 3 to 2
At the request of the lps, lf yes:From 3 to 1
Are you willing to carry for an IP/s who carries Hep B Virus?
Are you willing to carry for an IP/s who does not carry Hep B virus, but recovered from an old infection (Not infected)?
Are you willing to carry for an IP/s who have HIV?
Are you willing to carry a child whereby the recipients used donor eggs or donor sperm?
If the IPs request terminating the pregnancy, would you agree to one or any of the following:
Due to quality-of-life reasons only
Only if your health was a concern
At the request of the IP
Would there be any reason you would not be willing to terminate? Or for a specific reason? (i.e., cleft lip, missing limb, gender)
What kind of relationship do you want with the intended parents during conceptions and pregnancy?
Are you willing to allow fetal surgery based on a doctor's recommendation to help the child in utero?
Are you willing to do somewhat invasive procedures during your surrogacy if medically necessary? For example, D&C, Amniocentesis and /or Chronic Villus Sampling.
Are you willing to pump breast milk after birth?
You will be required to take IVF medications. Some meds might require using injectable needles. Do you agree to take ALL medications required?
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Please use five words that best describe your personality:
What is your favorite part about being a mom?
How do you see your ideal surrogacy journey? Why do you want to be a surrogate?
What message would you like to give to your Intended Parents?
What are your hobbies, interests and talents?
What is your favorite food?
What does your daily diet consist of?
Additional photos please upload a few photos to show you, and / or you with your families/friends.
Our team will contact you later